Meanderings of the Mind

Breathing is all it takes to be a miracle. --from the movie Garden State

My Photo
Location: Chattanooga, Tennessee, United States

I was recently relocated to Chattanooga by the Postal Service due to the closing of the Remote Encoding Center I worked at in Bowling Green, KY. I had just started my first semester at WKU majoring in Nursing. Since I had recently built a house, my options were to get a lower paying job and lose my house or to move and rent my house out until I have my degree. I chose the latter. I've travelled throughout Europe with my friends and sisters which I consider the highlight of my life experiences to date. I come from a family of 6 kids--4 girls and 2 boys ranging in ages 18 to 34. Only my youngest brother is married at this point.

Monday, June 07, 2004

odds and ends

Time for another one of those lengthy dissertations on the life of Sara....

First, I want to thank those of you who tried to pray me into an A in Chemistry. I guess it was just one of those cases when I asked God (ok, so I begged!) and He said, "no." So I shall attempt to overcome my utter devastation at an 89.3% average for a good old B. It just doesn't seem fair to me at the moment, but I guess it was my own fault. I should have studied more and slept less. You'd think I'd feel like the pressure was off now that I have my first B, but no.....not I feel even more pressure to get an A in every other class as I attempt to try to get as close to a 4.0 as possible. It's pure Schmucker stubbornness.

On a happier note, I had a wonderful time this weekend with my dear friend Grace Yoder. She came to visit me on Saturday night and just left a few minutes ago. Sunday we decided to forego the crowded pool and spent a good portion of the day driving around the mountains and the city. Then we had some relaxing hours of watching movies. After getting to bed late, I got up early and went to class this morning. When I got home, we went shopping and hit on some really interesting stores. First we found this humongous used book and CD store. I was so totally amazed. They had more books than a library, and it was totally crowded with people at 2 in the afternoon. Don't these people have jobs???? People bring used books in for credit, and buy other used books. I couldn't find the Josh Groban music I was looking for, so I just browsed and ended up buying nothing. Grace, on the other hand, came out with a whole stack of books. A lot of them were for her students. I remember those days very well. We then went next door to the biggest thrift store I've ever been in. Once again, I didn't find anything for me. We also made a stop at TJ Max where I made my steal of the day. I found 2 sweaters for $3 each, plus my shoes for Alvin's wedding.

After such strenuous shopping, we felt in much need of some sustenance. So we went to this really exotic Greek restaurant called the Acropolis. It's become my new favorite restaurant with authentic Greek food. The owner has been in the restaurant business for 50 years beginning in New York City after immigrating to America. He is on his second restaurant in Chattanooga because he quickly outgrew the first one. This is the kind of restaurant that has linen napkins, and quiet music. It made me long for Europe.

Friday I started my new semester. My classes consist of Math in Our Modern World, and Introductory Psychology. I'm enjoying both of them so far. So far I've learned that unless there are only 2 choices and an odd number of people, no matter what method of voting is used, there is no fair method. I didn't realize there were so many methods to vote. The majority and plurality methods were the main ones I was familiar with. By the way, if you vote on more than 2 choices...the one with the most votes isn't necessarily the majority winner. Did you know that? I always thought that was a majority, but it's not. If you have 4 candidates and you have 15 people voting and one candidate gets 6 votes, the second gets 4 votes the third gets 3 and the last one gets 2 votes.....there is no majority winner. The first one has won the plurality vote, but 60 percent of the people are unhappy and that's the majority. Cool, huh? This happens to be our method of voting for our President amongst other things.

Enough about voting, on to my Psychology class. I've gleaned quite the interesting tidbits in there too. For instance, did you know that every person begins as a female? At conception every fetus is female. It is only when the male chromosomes enter the picture that things may change. Also, there is a certain region in the Dominican Republic where children may be females to the age of puberty and then change into males. This strange anomaly has become so common in that region that they hedge their bets in raising their children by not raising them as male or female until after puberty because you never know.....

I just love learning! And on that note, I shall turn to my studies once again and try to make up for lost time (shopping).