Meanderings of the Mind

Breathing is all it takes to be a miracle. --from the movie Garden State

My Photo
Location: Chattanooga, Tennessee, United States

I was recently relocated to Chattanooga by the Postal Service due to the closing of the Remote Encoding Center I worked at in Bowling Green, KY. I had just started my first semester at WKU majoring in Nursing. Since I had recently built a house, my options were to get a lower paying job and lose my house or to move and rent my house out until I have my degree. I chose the latter. I've travelled throughout Europe with my friends and sisters which I consider the highlight of my life experiences to date. I come from a family of 6 kids--4 girls and 2 boys ranging in ages 18 to 34. Only my youngest brother is married at this point.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

The Caffeine Junkie

I've decided to take some ill-affordable time to give an update from the life of this caffeine junkie. Hopefully I can give myself some perspective as writing sometimes does. I seem to be sleepy all the time. Even after the few nights when I get some decent sleep, I just go through this haze, wanting more. So I've turned to caffeine pills. I actually got something done this morning while feeling alert. I know it's bad for me, but I must be able to think.

Currently I feel caught in an endless cycle of stress. One source passes only to be overwhelmed by another. My calendar is filled with red circles indicating some deadline or exam date. The only week that has no red circles is the week of Thanksgiving after which I only have two weeks of class left--the real crunch time! But, on the positive side, with those stresses come the victories of A's!!! I'll admit, I just barely made it with my last History exam. I squeaked by with a 90.5.

I've decided a person must truly love and thrive on History to really "get it." While I think it's vaguely interesting, it's like pulling teeth to analyze these historical documents and write a synopsis of life in those times or to write an essay on the rise and fall of the empires of the classical period--all on the fly. The history workshop that is due tomorrow consists of looking at two mosaics and from those give the theoretical and literal role Theodora, wife of Justinian the Byzantine emperor, had. It's just a picture, good grief! Why must one try to read between the lines when one doesn't see the lines to start with????

English is another bane to my existence. I just finished my research paper on which political candidate is the best choice for the presidential election 2004. We had to pick two issues in their platforms and say why our pick was better than the other based on their stances on those two issues. It really wasn't that difficult an assignment, but I didn't get to even start on it until Sunday. Then I had to spend the whole day on it. I was so sick of looking at my computer screen and wanted so badly to just get out into the real world for a day. But I persevered and now it's ready for peer review tomorrow.

Anatomy is just as interesting and difficult as ever. The lectures are boring, but the labs are fascinating. Last week we dissected a sheep's eye and brain. Imagine poking a hole into the eyeball with a scissors then cutting it in half. I had the honors since my lab partner is squeamish about it. I was then asked for help from another team who couldn't get their eyeball to puncture. So I proceed to puncture their eyeball and it spurted black gunk all over me. YUCK! The eye is quite fascinating and easy to identify all the parts. The brain has so many parts to identify which makes it more difficult. The cerebellum looks like cauliflower. I shall never look at cauliflower the same again.

Yesterday disaster befell me once again. I was on my way to class with my car raising a tremendous squeal all the way. Suddenly there was a loud thunk and I lost my power steering and my alternator. I wrestled it into a gas station and called my brother for advice. We decided it would be better for me not to try to drive it to the mechanic since the water pump may have been locked up or possibly one of the pulleys which would have burned up the belt. Mind you, I had just gotten a new alternator and two new belts 3 weeks ago. There was no reason for this belt to break now. So I had to wait for an hour for the tow truck to come get me. Thank goodness for AAA! Upon arrival at the repair shop, I found it would take an hour and a half just for them to get it in to look at it. So I decided to rent a car. I just can't go without wheels, and I have no family close by to borrow from. So I am currently driving a rental. The mechanic told me that nothing is locked up and the pulleys seem to be fine. He thinks the other place I was at just didn't put the belt on right. I also needed new spark plugs and bushings.

All this mess caused me to miss my first 3 classes. The first one I didn't really mind. The second one I didn't want to miss because some of my class mates were going to debate their presidential candidate choices. The third one was a test. OUCH! Fortunately, my music teacher had compassion on me and let me make it up at 6:30 last night along with two other people who had good excuses for missing.

I'm looking forward to next week when I will be free of any supervising responsibilities to be a normal keyer. I have to key within 120 days or I lose my bid job which I do NOT want to do. So I informed them they can let me key this week or next and I'm firm on that. So next week it is--the last possible minute. The only negative is that I know my keyers are going to be whining to me every day which, though it makes me feel good that they appreciate me, also frustrates me because I have no back up. My advisor at school told me I shouldn't feel guilty about it because my first priority is school. But I can't help it. I just care about what I'm involved in. Last week my boss actually told me he appreciates the job I'm doing. He actually noticed?

From caffeine heaven....