Meanderings of the Mind

Breathing is all it takes to be a miracle. --from the movie Garden State

My Photo
Location: Chattanooga, Tennessee, United States

I was recently relocated to Chattanooga by the Postal Service due to the closing of the Remote Encoding Center I worked at in Bowling Green, KY. I had just started my first semester at WKU majoring in Nursing. Since I had recently built a house, my options were to get a lower paying job and lose my house or to move and rent my house out until I have my degree. I chose the latter. I've travelled throughout Europe with my friends and sisters which I consider the highlight of my life experiences to date. I come from a family of 6 kids--4 girls and 2 boys ranging in ages 18 to 34. Only my youngest brother is married at this point.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

A disaster or not?

From the time I got up this morning, my day has gradually been deteriorating in quality. I had a niggling headache when I woke up. That wasn't abnormal since I've been battling migraines for the last week. By the time I got out of class, it was a full-blown, rip-roaring migraine. I allowed myself the rare luxury of calling in sick to work. I tried to sleep it off along with dosing myself with my trusty Excedrin Migraine. I'm now down to a dull throb and the room no longer tilts when I get up.

Since I've been working and going to school full time, my culinary exploits have been few and far between. Besides, I only brought the most basic cookware with me to Chattanooga while the rest sits all lonely and unused in my attic back home in Kentucky. So when I saw this roast on sale at Wal-Mart, I thought longingly of Sunday dinners at my Mom's. So I decided to purchase it, and it's now sending out a lovely aroma.

I decided I also would make some cream cheese fruit dip for the peaches I bought. I guess my brain is still on ice because, before I realized it, I had put twice as much sugar in as I normally do. I was hoping the cool whip would cut the sweetness some. Not enough. What to do? I hate when things are disgustingly sweet--like frosting. So I rummaged through my cupboard and came across some pumpkin. Now pumpkin is fairly tart so this might work. So I whipped in the pumpkin and added some ginger and cinnamon. Ok, it was better, but who wants pumpkin fruit dip? It tasted very similar to a lovely pumpkin torte I like to make so I went ahead and made a graham cracker crust and spread the filling over it. The jury is still out as it sits chilling in the refrigerator.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Mi profesor

I delight in the off-beat humor of my Spanish professor. Every day he gives us these little nuggets of his personal philosophy on life. He claims he tells us these things "to fix in your brain the concept of..." I think he just loves to tell stories and to make us laugh.

Because of his Catholic upbringing, he constantly pokes fun of the Catholic religion and especially the pope. He claims that the Catholics contribute to poor economies by having too many children which is caused by not using birth control. He says, "Abstinence does not work because the Catholics have baby factories; they are called matresses."

He also gave me the secret to the large families in my own religious background. He says, "Give them TV's and they no have babies. They no have TV's, they have lots of babies."