Will this suffering never cease?
My dear father seems to think a person doesn't need to sleep beyond 5:00 a.m. According to various sources, the prevailing opinion seems to be that a person needs less sleep as he/she gets older. My body must be getting younger and younger all the time. I declare this time around the adjustment is far more difficult than any other time. It takes super-human effort to roll out of that bed every morning at 6:00 a.m. I feel like a total druggie until my second class at 9:00. Then I seem to function a little better but still in a haze. At work, it's all I can do to drag myself around which I have to do quite a bit of in my current supervisory capacity. It may be a good thing that I have that position at this time, for I fear that if I were just keying, I'd be asleep in minutes.
Last night I waged a war with my conscience on the issue of how late I could sleep this morning. I thought I should be allowed to sleep as late as my body wanted, but I feared I'd sleep all my time away so I set my alarm for 10:00. I thought I'd maybe wake up before that since I've been rising at such an early hour the rest of the week. At 7:00 on the dot, I awoke in a pure panic wondering why my alarm hadn't gone off. It was a delightful sigh of relief that I remembered it was a beautiful Saturday morning and I dropped right back into the land of slumber. I didn't awake again until my alarm went off and even then, I still felt like a druggie.
Again, I ask, will this suffering never cease?
I've also discovered that as the homework load increases, the urge to do domestic tasks such as cooking also increases. Is there a correllation there? Could it be called avoidance or procrastination?
The world of fresh vegetables has been calling to me. I've been eyeing those attractive yellow squash every time I go shopping. But I knew I didn't have the time. Then we had a birthday celebration for one of the supervisors at work and I was supposed to bring a vegetable dish. Since I've been craving squash casserole, I decided to take the plunge even though I've never made it before. Do you know that of all the Mennonite cookbooks I have, there is not one recipe for squash casserole? That is such a shame. I had to resort to the internet. Even though it turned out quite good and was a real hit with my co-workers, it didn't taste quite the way I thought squash casserole should. So if any of you have a recipe for it, bring it on. I've also been cooking new potatoes as of late. Is there anything better than new potatoes and fresh tomatoes for a meal? I do love summer.
It seems that my textbook purchases are still not complete though I'm up to $500 already. My used music book came with an introductory CD which has various pieces that we must listen to and be able to recognize for quizzes and exams. Alas, mine has some severe glitches in it so I've decided to take my textbook back and exchange it for a new one. I'm already cringing. In addition, we must purchase a 6 volume CD set for the same purpose. It will cost me an additional $75. And here I thought that I could budget about $300 for books. OUCH!
On the topic of buying textbooks....after my first day of class, I headed to the bookstore to buy some additional books I had missed. It seemed every student on campus was also doing the same thing. So I got in a line that wrapped around the store. Fortunately, there were lots of registers, but I was still in line for about 20 minutes. As I got closer to the registers, there were some of those poles and ropes to direct the lines. On several of the poles were these little signs. As I got close enough, I started reading them. They were instructions on purchasing your books such as "If you are purchasing with a check, have your ID available" and "If you are purchasing with your MOCS card (student ID), you must have book points available" and "If you are purchasing with a credit card, you must have your credit card." I thought, "Now what idiot would be purchasing with a credit card without the credit card." No sooner had the thought entered my head than I went hot from head to toe. I realized that I had not stopped at my car for my purse before coming into the book store! So here I was in a line that was all roped in with 50+ students behind me and 50+ ahead of me and no way out. Since I wasn't about to shove my way ahead or behind, I just waited until I came to the head of the line and ducked out. I just pretended I had forgotten something (which I had) and meandered back into the aisles of books. I left my pile with the help desk and went after my purse. Serves me right for thinking such unkind thoughts about forgetful idiots!
I've been having a bout of extreme back pain and my overloaded backpack was not making matters any better. So I weighed it to see how much extra baggage I was actually carrying around. It turned out to be 21.7 lbs and I thought shure it would be about 50!
I must go tend to my domestic chores and get ready for work. Since I got no studying done this morning, I have a hefty workload for tomorrow and Monday.
Suffering and sleep-deprived in Chattanooga