I got in!
I received the long anticipated letter and a packet of information telling me I have been accepted into Nursing School this fall contingent on my receiving at least a C in Pathophysiology this summer. It’s quite a thrill to know I got in. Now I am faced with the dilemma of whether to accept the acceptance. My foreign language requirement is the real dilemma. I wanted to take German, but this is only offered in the fall. Since German isn’t offered in the summer, I’ll have to take Spanish instead. My schedule for my nursing classes won’t allow for any other classes. This means I will have to take the remaining 25 hours of general education classes during the summer semesters. Translation—no rest for the weary brain until 2008.
And then there is the fact that my best friend at school didn’t get in. She’s so depressed about it. She has also decided to apply at other colleges. She’ll only be able to get an associates degree, but at least she’d be able to get a job sooner. Another one of my friends was turned down, and her gpa was 3.30. I can’t imagine that all 30 applicants who were accepted had higher than that. It’s unrealistic. I guess that means I should take my opportunity now lest I get another B to knock me off my 3.93 pedestal.
The things a person must go through to get into the program are quite rigorous. First I must get a background check done on myself to see if I’m fit to be around people. Then I must get the dreaded physical exam. From the list on the form, this is going to be quite thorough. Besides the normal height/weight/pulse/blood pressure/vision, I have to have blood and urinalysis tests. The pap smear and rectal exams are highly recommended but not required! I also have to start a Hepatitis B vaccine series, which I was expecting, as well as a yearly TB skin test. I’m required to have a Tetanus shot if I haven’t had one in the last 10 years, which I probably haven’t. I must also become certified in CPR this summer.
Now here’s the real kicker. In addition to the $2,047 for tuition, I can expect to incur another $880.50 in expenses. The first semester is the worst, but every other semester has a minimum of $232.50. That’s a little more reasonable because I was paying at least that much in textbooks before anyway. The first semester I will have the costs of a background check, stethoscope, watch with a second hand, uniforms, shoes, CPR certification, liability insurance, TB test, Hepatitis vaccine ($105!!!), physical exam, HIPPA training materials, nametags and patches, and the $65 to take the standardized tests we are required to take every semester.
On a different note, I have my new computer all set up and running. I think I’m finished transferring all information from the old to the new. There are few things as satisfying as the speed of a new computer. And then there are all the bells and whistles the old one didn’t have. I can’t imagine how they keep coming up with better things. It makes me think that eventually I won’t be able to keep up with the learning curve of new technology. I’ll become one of those cliché people who can’t program their own VCRs. My living room looks like a hurricane went through it. I have boxes and packing materials and papers strewn across the floor and furniture. There’s no way of looking organized in such a small space so I gave up. I need to reformat the old computer and decide what I’m going to do with it. I’ve offered my boss at work the use of it until he gets his own problems worked out with a virus he got. After that, I’ll probably donate it to my church. Maybe the teachers can use it.
It’s quite dark and dreary outside today which is typical of our weather the last week. It’s so disappointing to have such gorgeous 70 and 80 degree weather then turn around and have 30s and 40s. I’ve been trying to resist turning the heat back on, but I did relent on a particularly cold day. I actually had to scrape the frost off my windows on the morning of my last final. And, of course, it’s been raining all week. It makes for luscious green lawns and trees, but I want some sun! Since I didn’t have classes to go to this week, I got out a couple of mornings and hiked up my mountain nearby. The cool weather felt good then.