I'm officially on vacation today. I've been in Kentucky since Sunday, but Sun/Mon were my days off. Today I would have been scheduled to work, so it's the first day I start using my paid leave.
Sunday night we pulled a late, late nighter with my dear friend Rhonda. It's always one of my favorite highlights of coming home. We just can't seem to get done talking. We eventually forced ourselves to leave in the wee hours of the morning.
My eyes were quite gritty the next morning which was not good thing considering I had an eye doctor appointment at 8:45. I also had to wear my CRT lenses before going which I don't particularly enjoy. I opened my case to put my right lens in and there was nothing there. I searched and searched for that lens, thinking I may have dropped it when I opened the lid. Sharon even helped me with a flashlight, all to no avail. Finally I decided I could at least wear my left lens since that eye is the weakest anyway. As I went to get my left lens out, there was a slimy sliding sensation to it. I discovered I had put both lenses in the left side. Now how is a person to figure out which lens is which? Thank goodness for my compulsiveness when it comes to routine. I figured since I always take my right lens out first, that should be the one on the bottom and the left should be on the top. So I put them on under that assumption. I couldn't tell by my vision if I had gotten it right because they irritate my eyes so badly that I generally just close my eyes as soon as possible after inserting them. I must have gotten it right though because I had 20/20 vision and only 1 step of correction in my left eye was needed for perfect vision. My doctor always raves at the success of his star guinea pig for CRT.
After my eye appointment, I stopped in at my favorite former auto mechanic to speak visit with Paula who truly runs the place. I enjoy my encounters with her so much. I was particularly amused at a change in her usual spiel. She always grills me on my love life or prospects therein and is continually frustrated at my ambivalence toward the matter. Yesterday, however, she told me that while she has always declared that there is a mate out there for everybody, and ones happiness must hinge on finding that person, she has discovered that maybe marriage isn't the ultimate answer for everybody. Her daughter just recently got married which made her ecstatic. It seems things aren't working out so well, and it did not bring her the happiness her mother was sure it would. So she admitted that maybe I was right about not needing to be married to be happy.
I then met a former co-worker from the BG REC for lunch. She's one of those treasures who will always be considered a dear friend. We talked for hours, and even after making it outside, we talked until the storm chased us to our cars. I really miss that sweet lady.
Today I'm going to take my car to get the windows tinted. My sisters had theirs done and declare it helps alleviate some of the heat buildup in these hot summer days. I most certainly need that in Chattanooga.
Tomorrow we leave for Virginia to see that special little niece of mine.