A disaster or not?
Since I've been working and going to school full time, my culinary exploits have been few and far between. Besides, I only brought the most basic cookware with me to Chattanooga while the rest sits all lonely and unused in my attic back home in Kentucky. So when I saw this roast on sale at Wal-Mart, I thought longingly of Sunday dinners at my Mom's. So I decided to purchase it, and it's now sending out a lovely aroma.
I decided I also would make some cream cheese fruit dip for the peaches I bought. I guess my brain is still on ice because, before I realized it, I had put twice as much sugar in as I normally do. I was hoping the cool whip would cut the sweetness some. Not enough. What to do? I hate when things are disgustingly sweet--like frosting. So I rummaged through my cupboard and came across some pumpkin. Now pumpkin is fairly tart so this might work. So I whipped in the pumpkin and added some ginger and cinnamon. Ok, it was better, but who wants pumpkin fruit dip? It tasted very similar to a lovely pumpkin torte I like to make so I went ahead and made a graham cracker crust and spread the filling over it. The jury is still out as it sits chilling in the refrigerator.